Today I saw a post on Instagram from Michał Kulka (@tamenuri_studio). He has made a spectacular Kuro-tamenuri finish on a Ranga Sugarcane.

I’ve always dreamed about having a Kuro-tamenuri or even more a Heki-tamenuri pen.

Look at this pen! This spring I had the chance to hold this Sailor King of Pen Tamenuri Midoridame in my hands at Akkerman. It’s unbelievably beautiful. Completely magical. Unfortunately it’s also crazy expensive.
I’m thinking maybe it could be feasible to have a nice but budget friendly ebonite pen finished with urushi as a custom order.
I’ve been following Jan Lesy’s posts ( on Instagram ever since he started experimenting with urushi. I had the chance to meet him at various pen events. He is a really nice guy. He has recently launched his own pen business. I wonder if he would be happy to do a custom Heki-tamenuri finish for me.
As for the base pen I’m thinking about a Ranga ebonite pen. These are hand made pens from India. Mr. MP Kandan has amazing skills and he cuts even the threads by hand. I have very good experience with them. I think a Ranga Bamboo would look absolutely gorgeous with a Heki-tamenuri finish. I go for a Bock steel nib so that I can swap it for a custom ground nib. A stub gold nib maybe? It’s all so exciting!